Archive for Big Bang Theory

Stuff Going On — 06/01/2017

Posted in For Free Trade, For God with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 1, 2017 by cavalier973

Will he, or won’t he? President Trump made a campaign promise to abandon the Paris Accords/Treaty/Agreement. Something I did not know is that this “treaty” was signed just a few days before Trump was elected! Anyway, destroying national economies as a sin offering to Gaia is not environmentalism, and that’s all these accords will do. Climate “science” is actually pseudoscientific flapdoodle–the same as Darwinism and Transgenderism–covered with a veneer of respectability provided by government endorsement.

CNN has a story about how Pres. Trump is making some sort of concessions when he abandons the deal, for his daughter’s conscience’s sake. This story is relayed in a video, which I did not watch, and so will not link.

Here is Jeffrey Tucker on the “Incredible Arrogance of the Paris Agreement/Accords/”Treaty”.

The real crime in the whole “Trump colluding with Russia” investigation may be that President Obama’s officials illegally unmasked Michael Flynn. An interesting detail revealed by “sources” in the Wall Street Journal (I think I have made my position clear concerning the reliability of unnamed sources) is that Samantha Power, President Obama’s ambassador to the U.N., got her own subpoena. It would be hilarious if, after Democrats and leftist-progressives pushed so hard for investigating Trump’s ties to Russia, the result is that President Obama and his lackeys are sent to prison.

Theoretical physicists make the claim that cosmic inflation can never be falsified, so the “Big Bang Theory” is pseudoscience. Well, I’m overstating a bit, I suppose…

An excerpt:

“Inflation theory was proposed by physicist Alan Guth to solve a number of serious problems in early versions of the Big Bang model. Supposedly, the universe underwent an extremely short period of accelerated expansion right after the Big Bang.

However, physicists later realized this version of inflation theory was too simplistic. Newer versions of inflationary models have inflation stopping at different times in different places, leading to the idea of a multiverse consisting of infinitely many ‘pocket’ universes.2″

As with all things proposed by the MatNats and the Darwinoids, no amount of actual science can falsify the Narrative of a Godless, self-creating universe in which information can arise spontaneously without an Intelligent Source.


Employers added 253,000 people to their payrolls in the Month of May, which beat estimates of 170,000 newly employed persons.

I blame Trump.

Quasars and the Big Bang and some guy you probably never heard of

Posted in For God with tags , , , , , , , , , on January 12, 2014 by cavalier973

Article is here.